inside sleeve booklet for signing
1/4 - 1/3 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder
old empty deodorant container or glass jar
10-20 drops essential oil (optional, here I use lemongrass) 

Loosen up coconut oil with a fork in a glass bowl. Slowly mix in baking soda and arrowroot powder.

Stir and blend mixture into a smooth paste form. May add more coconut oil if too powdery.

Optional: add your favorite essential oil into the mixture, blend well.

Spoon mixture into an old empty deodorant container. Pack it tightly before refrigeration.

Extra mixture can be stored in a glass jar.

Coconut mixture will turn solid after refrigerate for 30-40mins. Here's your homemade toxin-free natural deodorant!

inspiration sources:

Jay Korber, a dear friend of mine and band mate who plays like a badass drum machine in Burmese, was run over by a street cleaning truck while riding his bike home from hockey last week. He was dragged under the truck before it can come to a stop and required fire crews to remove him from the underneath.
Tremendous amount of blood loss, multiple open fractured/broken bones including his pelvis and femur, some complications in the lungs and bladder. His strong WILL survived this horrifying living hell, and now he has a long unknown recovery journey ahead of him.

Jay is a quiet humble guy with a million of talents, endless energy in music and hockey, gentle and sweet to everyone yet blows minds with every instrument he picks up. He has a phenomenal community of support from families, friends, fans, and even strangers. Every positive thought counts!

A Jay Korber Fund was created in addition to support his recovery from the injuries, legal action, and other regular bills like rents and such. Any contribution helps, as small as a dollar can make a difference! Thank you for reading - Tissue

been awhile since i draw caricatures.. first off, a special agent!
It's been an anxious week about the whole LP mess and roommate situation. Making art is the best medicine.
About page just added!
Canon Tissue website is up!
Tissue Blog for updates and process.
Tissue Hunt, where to look for owning a piece of Tissue.. coming soon.